Monday, October 11, 2010

Who says you can't wakeboard at 37 weeks?!

I know I am playing catch up here but I really want to get these in here. We went to the lake 3 weeks before I was due. Everyone was so shocked that I went! What was I suppose to do, stay home?! So, Kevin was telling me the entire time, "all you can do is ride on the jet ski or on the boat. You can't do anything!" That didn't last too long! I was on the ski with my mom pulling a tube and I couldn't take it anymore! I had to get out there. When we got back in, everyone saw me and freaked out! Whatever... Then, Kevin asked me if I wanted to wakeboard! I was shocked! Of course I did! So, we went out and I boarded for a little bit. Nothing crazy! Just enough to take a picture and say I did it :) Our doctor has a wakeboarding boat and all his kids wakeboard so I printed this picture for him and took it to my next apt. He was impressed but then quickly said that he hopes I was careful and would not recommend doing it again :)

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